Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Mix all the ingredients and cook them for a while, preferably in a non-stick vessel.
Cook till the mixture is not too hard or soft.
Test by making a small ball and see if it is firm - if too hard, sprinkle some water and heat it again on the stove and if it is too soft.
Mix the ingredients for dough with luke-warm water.
Knead into a nice, soft dough.
Pour some oil onto the dough, so as to cover it in oil.
On a plastic sheet, put a few drops of oil, with your fingers flatten the dough like puris.
Fill each with the filling and seal them off with the ends of the puris (like when making stuffed parathas, etc.)
Once sealed well, press into the puri shape again.
Deep fry in oil / ghee on low flame.
Fry each till the colour turns golden-brown.
The sajjiappas are ready and very tasty.

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